Homeschool Daily Planner - Praying the Lord's Prayer: A Fun Christian Preschool action
Good morning. Today, I learned all about Homeschool Daily Planner - Praying the Lord's Prayer: A Fun Christian Preschool action. Which may be very helpful for me so you. Praying the Lord's Prayer: A Fun Christian Preschool actionI de facto hope you love to pray. I'm sure that God hangs on your every word as the Lover of your soul. Our small ones can begin to love prayer and introducing them to the favorite Lord's Prayer is a exquisite place to start. Here is a fun and creative way to help your preschoolers learn this prayer of Jesus. I call it "Praying the Lord's Prayer".
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Here's what you do:
This action de facto doesn't want any preparation. The only thing you, the teacher, needs to do is convention delivering the following story along with its actions.
Here's the story:
I can pray to God anytime I like. I can pray to God everywhere I go. Praying to God is just talking to God. So let's talk to God right now. We are going to pretend we are on an adventure going here and there. I will start praying "Our Father who art in Heaven" while jumping over this river. (Pretend you see a river and "jump" over it.) Now I stretch my hands up high to the sky and say, "Hallowed be Thy name." (Stretch your hands up high over your head.) Look! There's a tall tree up ahead. (Point to "the tree".) I love climbing trees! Here we go! As I wrap my hands colse to the trunk ("wrap" your hands colse to the "trunk" and pretend to climb while the following lines.) I say, "Thy kingdom come." I'm going to go a small higher and say, "Thy will be done". Let's climb a small higher and say, "on earth as it is in Heaven."
Look! We're up so high it feels like we can touch Heaven. (Reach one hand way up.) Whoa! I'm feeling a small dizzy. (Act like you're dizzy.) We better climb down out of this tree fast. (Quickly "climb down the tree".) I'm feeling kind of hungry. Look, there's a picnic basket! (Point to the "picnic basket".) Let's see what's inside and I will pray, "Give us this day our daily bread". Oooh! Yummy chicken. (Pretend to eat a chicken leg.) And cold milk. (Pretend to drink the milk.) Oh, dear! I'm feeling a small sleepy. (Give a pretend yawn.) I'm going to lay down and as I do I will pray, "forgive us our debts or sins...(Yawn again.) we forgive our debtors or those who sinned against us." Ok. That's enough of a nap, (Sit up or stand up from your "nap".)
We need to get back to our adventure. Look! I see a cave up ahead. As we quietly march toward the cave I will pray, "lead us not into temptation". (Pretend to march to the "cave".) Shhh! I think I hear some snoring. (Put your hand to your ear.) I'm going to pray, "deliver us from evil". The snoring is getting louder (look scared) and louder and louder. I wonder who is inside. Let's peek inside. (Lean over as peeking inside.) Oh no! It's a bear! (Scream, "Ahhh!") As we run away, I will pray, "For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever". Ah! We're safe! We are back home and I will end my prayer with, "Amen!"
Before playing this Christian preschool activity, you might want to introduce the part in the following way:
Boys and girls, when we pray we are talking to God. God loves it when you talk or pray to Him. You can talk to God about anything you want. You can tell Him when you are happy. You can tell Him when you are sad. You can ask Him for things you would like to have or for things you need. You can ask Him to help your friends. There are so many things that you can pray about. Jesus loved to pray to God, His Father. Let's play a game to help us learn one of the prayers that Jesus prayed. It's called "The Lord's Prayer". Here we go!
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